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Name: | Deborah VanDevelde txslady624@yahoo.com | Entry: | My dad, SMS Porter C. Myers, was First Sergeant with the 21st at NKP in 67-68. When he passed away in 2003, I was able to communicate with Col. Harry Hauser and Jim Henthorn, and am so grateful for the kind words and stories they had to share. I am now in possession of Daddy's personal items and have many photos of his time at NKP that I would like to share with this website, or any interested members of his former squadron. | Date: | July 26, 2009 15:45 | |
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COMMENTS [ Posted by mike otis, August 17, 2009 23:03 ] I served with Myers at NKP in 1968. He was a fine first sergeant. I was a flight engineer. I flew a mission or two with Col. Hauser. Take care, Michael J Otis MSGT,USAF, Retired
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Name: | Mark Corson mjcorson@verizon.net | Entry: | I just wanted to inform all that my dad, Al Corson that after a short battle with cancer, has passed away. He was aircraft commander on Knife 31 which was shot down on Koh Tang East Beach and was featured on the Discovery Channel "Situation Critical, Seized at Sea"
Burial will be at Arlington, August 27th at 3PM.
I would like to invite everyone to come to Dad's funeral. This is not going to be a private service. I thank you for your condolences during this time. They are much appreciated. Please wear something that is colorful as well as comfortable, for Dad was a very fun loving guy and would not want to see everyone wearing black. I will be wearing the 21st SOS Knife patch to show my respect for everyone involved in that 1975 mission.
I am also planning on visiting Lt. Van de Geer's gravesite and the Vietnam Wall after the funeral should anyone like to join me. | Date: | July 24, 2009 22:40 | |
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Name: | Ronald Marks ronaldcmarks@charter.net | Entry: | Retired 20 years USAF in 1982. My father (Glenn Marks, LtCol, USAF) was a rotorhead, though, 20 years also (retired 1974). He flew HH43s and was stationed at Frobisher, Bangor (ME), Peru (IN), Clark (PI), Thailand (can't remember...Ubon?). His love for aircraft got me interested. He passed away from brain tumor in 2004. Thanks for this great site. | Date: | July 06, 2009 19:12 | |
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Name: | Tom Russell trussell@insightbb.com | Entry: | Ireceived a phone call from Carol informing me of Jim Moore's passing on Sun. June 28 ,tonight 7/3 i was sitting on my deck watching the fireworks a chopper flew over & my thoughts immediately went to Jim . We first met at Stead AFB in early 1962 Jim was on the H-19 flt line & I was on the H-43 flt line so we didn't hook up much. In 1964 we both ended up at WPAFB, both being low rank & just starting our families we became good friends . We would get together at one another's house have dinner & play cards. In 1965 I left the AF & Jim continued his career in the AF we we got together a couple of times & Jim & Carol spent a couple of days with us when he came back from NKP.We lost track of one another until 2007 when another rotorhead Don Hoge found the Rotorheads RUS website & got in touch with Jim & gave him my phone #. Jim gave me a call & invited us to come visit them, we were able to get together in June 2007 & had a wonderful weekend with them .We got together a couple of times after that & right before before Xmas 2008 Ron Feight ,Dick Kenuzli & myself & our wives got together at Jim & Carol's for dinner and a day of remembrance Jim I still don't remember what we were doing with that gal of yellow paint . But I'am very proud to call you a friend. Tom Russell | Date: | July 04, 2009 3:35 | |
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Name: | RICK DAVIS rdavis_7243@yahoo.com | Entry: | About 6000 hours in HH-3E and MH-60G. Lots of "Winged S's" .. | Date: | June 29, 2009 1:27 | |
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Name: | Chuck Ruth cruth1953@comcast.net | Entry: | Just read the email about Jim Moore's passing. Never met him but talked to him on the phone once. Jim was a great man, a devoted Americian who never forgot his military experiences and devoted his remaining days on this earth maintaining this website. The good Lord has a special place for his kind. | Date: | June 27, 2009 2:35 | |
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Name: | Eloy Hernandez ehernandez454@yahoo.com | Entry: | I was known as Julio when I was stationed at Osan AB in South Korea with the 38th ARRS. I was the Intelligence Specialist for the unit at that time. It was in the 38th ARRS in 1980-81. I was wondering whatever happened to the unit and if they or another unit took over the duties of the old Jolly Greens. Also, what happened to the men or the unit. | Date: | June 15, 2009 21:54 | |
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Name: | Robert Glidden mingbob@maine.rr.com | Entry: | Great site, was first engine man at Davis-Monthan about 1960 Det 17 Warc, had 60-256 and 60-257. With wild Bill Eckert as NCOIC. any one from that time would like to hear from you.
mingbob@maine.rr.com | Date: | June 14, 2009 3:58 | |
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Name: | Larry Tasker lajanbny@verizon.net | Entry: | Great web site. Have added it to my favorites. I am a Retired Master Army Aviator, CW4, USA, Have flown mostly fixed wing aircraft for fun since retirement in October 1985. | Date: | June 07, 2009 3:12 | |
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Name: | Jerry Barnes barkins6643@comcast.net | Entry: | Outstanding site! Retired 20 years USAF.
Worked and flew on N's and flew on 53's.
Hello to David C, Bob Abernathy, and Sam Groce! | Date: | June 04, 2009 8:03 | |
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