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Name: | Mike Stoyle MSTOYLE@SBCGLOBAL.NET | Entry: | Great site but was a little disappointed at the 'Peace time losses' link that took me back to The Jolly Green's page. That page hasn't been updated in ages and does have some errors in it. i.e: Dave Rech was not in the Barry Walls\Buddy Fortner crash in NM, I think he's still around somewhere.
I've tried to send names to them to no avail. i.e: John Sfier, Larry Leaming, Ron Fagan, all who perished in crashes.
This site you have here is a whole lot better than the Jolly Green. You even have the MAC Flyer article that made me famous, sort of. | Date: | July 01, 2008 14:41 | |
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COMMENTS [ Posted by Jack Watkins, August 14, 2008 18:52 ] Mike what you doing in NM, they kick you out of California. You find your checklist yet. Its got to be in that field someplace. Send me your email Turkey.
[ Posted by Mike Stoyle, September 08, 2008 16:47 ] I'm not in NM, still in Sacramento. I was stationed with Fortner and Rech at RAF Woodbridge. Fortner was in the crash, Rech was not.
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Name: | Kenneth Pinkney | Entry: | Fantastic site. I look forward to future visits just to keep up with this continuing saga of "As The Rotors Turn". Thanks Sam. Also hi to Becky. | Date: | June 19, 2008 18:15 | |
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COMMENTS [ Posted by Becky Hassler, June 20, 2008 23:14 ] Hi Ken. I'm trying to remember the last time I saw you after Korea. Geez. it's been a long time. I hope you are doing well.
[ Posted by Sam Groce, July 09, 2008 0:17 ] When are you going to join
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Name: | Larry Bowman lfbowman11@hotmail.com | Entry: | Member 1374 th photomapping
1962 1965 Turner AFB
Airborne Hiran shop..AST 7 port moresby | Date: | June 03, 2008 1:49 | |
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Name: | Ryan Barilleaux barillrj@muohio.edu | Entry: | Thanks for a great site! My brother was Lt. Ira Barilleaux (featured in photo of the 600th MARS Recovery mission) of the "Flying Oil Slick." He is now deceased, but was always proud of his service.
Sincere thanks to all our veterans and current service personnel. | Date: | May 26, 2008 17:56 | |
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COMMENTS [ Posted by Ruth Emanuel, June 20, 2008 23:55 ] Hey Becky, Great to hear from you again! We'll have to catch up.
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Name: | Becky Hassler beckyhassler53@aol.com | Entry: | Talk about old home week! Thanks for sending me the site, Sam. Hello to Diane and Ruth and also to you, Lou Allen. I hope you are all well. Karen Pickering recently retired as the first female CMSGT to remain in the helicopter career field. Go Karen!
Becky | Date: | May 08, 2008 23:32 | |
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COMMENTS [ Posted by Kenneth Pinkney, August 11, 2008 0:32 ] Hi Becky,
The last time I actually saw you was at Langley AFB. A friend and I were playing hooky from work by hanging out at the main exchange.
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Name: | Ben Van Etten benvanet@aol.com | Entry: | Great website, well done! Retired army helicopter pilot, Vietnam 65-66.
Air America, Laos 68-72 | Date: | May 05, 2008 12:39 | |
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Name: | Timothy Trueblood Ttruebl@aol.com | Entry: | Very proud of Diane, great pictures. | Date: | April 22, 2008 23:10 | |
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Name: | Ruth Emanuel ruth_eman@comcast.net | Entry: | What a great idea! Go rotorheads | Date: | April 12, 2008 9:49 | |
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COMMENTS [ Posted by Joseph Agora, May 04, 2008 17:38 ] Don't know if you remember me? We were stationed together back at Davis Monthan in the 70's? I try to keep in touch with some of the old timers but it's really difficult. Would love to hear from you whenever you get some spare time.\
[ Posted by Becky Hassler, June 20, 2008 23:12 ] Hi Ruth. It's nice to see you again! Chuck and I celebrate 18 years together in September. Thanks again for coming to our wedding.
Love ya.
[ Posted by Kerry Cuthbert, August 07, 2008 21:35 ] Ruth,
Dont know if you still you remeber me from Okinawa. 33rd ARRS. I'm still hanging out with "Jed" Jednaszewski. I'll tell him i saw you on this sight. Glad to see you stuck it out for a career.
[ Posted by Joseph Agora, August 09, 2008 1:42 ] Hey Guy's and Gal's,
What a great way to keep up with the past. I remember Jednaszewski and cuthbert from Okinawa back in 77
[ Posted by Jack Watkins, August 14, 2008 18:49 ] Mike Stoyle, what are you doing in NM. They kick you out of California. You find you check list yet turkey. Send me your email address.
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Name: | Sam Groce Samuel.Groce@vandenberg.af.mil | Entry: | Great site; lots of familiar names | Date: | April 11, 2008 23:38 | |
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COMMENTS [ Posted by Lou Allen, April 20, 2008 6:37 ] Sam, Haven't seen you since Sembach. Glad to know your still around.
Lou Allen
[ Posted by Mac McLaughlin, May 12, 2008 18:53 ] Sam I was the guy who took your QA job at Sembach. Good to see your name again.
[ Posted by Kenneth Pinkney, June 23, 2008 1:56 ] Thanks Sam for telling me about this website. I will pass on the info to others that I come in contact with.
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Name: | Covey Campbell covey1936@comcast.net | Entry: | Nice to see a lot of you "old" rotorheads are still alive and kicking. It was a great run and I wish we could all do it over again. LBRs were the pits but flying the HH-43 was really great. The heavies finally gave us a chance to get away from the home field and find out what real flying was all about. Great website.
Covey Campbell | Date: | April 07, 2008 13:14 | |
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COMMENTS [ Posted by Ken Haan, July 17, 2008 18:03 ] Good to hear from one of the few AD folks that I served with. Enjoyed being your "stick buddy" while going through H-3 Upgrade at Kirtland. Especially enjoyed all the "war" stories. Maybe our paths will cross again...
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