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Name: | David Wilkie selexxaman@msn.com | Entry: | I was one of the recovery guys that went across the border and got Jim Burn's USAF Huey in 1967. Jim suggested I look at your site. Glad I did!! Visit ours
189th AHC | Date: | September 11, 2008 21:06 | |
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Name: | Rick Hudson hrhudson345@aol.com | Entry: | Nice Site. I was in U. S. Navy (SAR) during the mid 1960's. Squadron was (HELASRON 2) aboard USS Hornet CVS-12. | Date: | September 11, 2008 5:02 | |
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Name: | Hector Herrera MH53pavelownm@aol.com | Entry: | Just learned about your site and decided to visit. Diane Revolinski was my supervisor at Hurlburt, would really like to get in touch again if anybody could give her my email please! | Date: | August 23, 2008 0:18 | |
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Name: | David Powell powelld@west-tenn.com | Entry: | I am a member of 20th SOS "Green Hornets" . I served as a FE on the "N" model hueys in the early 80's. Left the unit just prior to the BAT missions,where I lost a few good friends. | Date: | August 22, 2008 16:22 | |
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Name: | Jesse McLendon kake692@cox.net | Entry: | Great site---enjoyed it very much!!
Earned Winged "S" in Cuba on the old UH-34 and I am most proud to have served my country.
USN--HS-3--NAS Norfolk--1965---1969 | Date: | August 19, 2008 20:56 | |
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Name: | joe agora cuscocom@hotmail.com | Entry: | What a great site!! Thanks to all that served | Date: | August 09, 2008 1:37 | |
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Name: | John Birch Retired Rotor head Birch jdbirch61@yahoo.com | Entry: | Flew Combat SAR fro the 3 SAR stations in the Gulf 66-67 then 69-71. I was with HC-1 and HC-7 Seasdevils see our web hc7seadevils.org | Date: | July 30, 2008 23:53 | |
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Name: | Mike Stoyle MSTOYLE@SBCGLOBAL.NET | Entry: | Great site but was a little disappointed at the 'Peace time losses' link that took me back to The Jolly Green's page. That page hasn't been updated in ages and does have some errors in it. i.e: Dave Rech was not in the Barry Walls\Buddy Fortner crash in NM, I think he's still around somewhere.
I've tried to send names to them to no avail. i.e: John Sfier, Larry Leaming, Ron Fagan, all who perished in crashes.
This site you have here is a whole lot better than the Jolly Green. You even have the MAC Flyer article that made me famous, sort of. | Date: | July 01, 2008 14:41 | |
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COMMENTS [ Posted by Jack Watkins, August 14, 2008 18:52 ] Mike what you doing in NM, they kick you out of California. You find your checklist yet. Its got to be in that field someplace. Send me your email Turkey.
[ Posted by Mike Stoyle, September 08, 2008 16:47 ] I'm not in NM, still in Sacramento. I was stationed with Fortner and Rech at RAF Woodbridge. Fortner was in the crash, Rech was not.
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Name: | Kenneth Pinkney | Entry: | Fantastic site. I look forward to future visits just to keep up with this continuing saga of "As The Rotors Turn". Thanks Sam. Also hi to Becky. | Date: | June 19, 2008 18:15 | |
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COMMENTS [ Posted by Becky Hassler, June 20, 2008 23:14 ] Hi Ken. I'm trying to remember the last time I saw you after Korea. Geez. it's been a long time. I hope you are doing well.
[ Posted by Sam Groce, July 09, 2008 0:17 ] When are you going to join
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Name: | Larry Bowman lfbowman11@hotmail.com | Entry: | Member 1374 th photomapping
1962 1965 Turner AFB
Airborne Hiran shop..AST 7 port moresby | Date: | June 03, 2008 1:49 | |
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